The Taiji dolphin hunt, featured in the controversial film "The Cove", was scheduled to begin on September 1, as it has every year for decades. Instead, the cove was empty on this opening day - no fishermen, no dolphins. Just lots of media and a noticeable contingent of police. And that was just fine with Ric O'Barry, Director of Save Japan Dolphins and one of the driving forces behind the efforts to bring attention to the annual slaughter of 20,000 dolphins.
He writes in his blog from Taiji that he is thrilled to see so much media present - in particular Japanese media, which until now have refused to cover the subject. Ric views this new willingness by the Japanese media to at least explore the subject as a turning point in the efforts to save the Japan Dolphins. He believes that a heightened public awareness in Japan will turn the tides in favor of the animals.
Check out the trailer for the film: take your friends, read more and Take Part.
As one of the principals in the film said, "You're either an activist or an inactivist", so it's time to
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12 years ago
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